Monday, August 24, 2009

Anne Hathaway: Weight Secret

Anne Hathaway is one of my favorite actress, she has the most awesome body according to me.

But how does she got that great body anyway?

Diet: Anne Hathaway has learn the wrong dieting the hard way, when the movie devil wear prada she only eat fish, fruit and vegetables. It is very hard diet and very eat up your mental because she used to cried when she is on this diet.

Right now she has more healthier diet. In the morning she would have white egg, steamed vegetables buritos in the morning. Consitent eating and the rest of the meal should be a healthy meal consist of all the complete nutrition a body need.

Exercise: The exercise for her is basically the same as other exercise with only one diferrence, the butt exercise. In the movie 'Get smart' she has to have great ass to appear awesome in the movie and thus she do this exercise.

“using a chair or bench, step up leading with your right foot 10 times, and leading with your left foot 10 times for three to five sets. Push through your heel and you get it to work your butt and thigh at the same time”.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Jacky Chan and Jet Li Work Out - Kung Fu Style!

So we go to Asian Star right now, and there are two famous star that has incredible body. One is Jacky Chan and the other is Jet Li. The two of them is a kung fu master, a real kung fu master not just an actor. So no wonder that they have incredible body, but what does kung fu training looks like anyway? Here a glimpse of it...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hugh Jackman Awesome workout and diet

Hugh Jackman has one heck of a body. What is his secret to keep his body awesome like that?

Well lets check out his diet:

He wake up as early as possible to eat white egg and then every three hour he would have a protein balance meal but then after midday he would have no carbohydrates because middle of the day you don't need to have many calories.

"I get up at 4am and eat egg whites, then every three hours after that. I have a combination of protein or steamed vegetables and brown rice. Then after midday, no rice or carbohydrates. It's just vegetables and meat or fish."
His exercise:
Lots of heavy iron: bench-press variations,leg presses , light squats, and barbell lunges. Pretty common weight training. And then he would change the activities every three weeks to make sure he has the right combination of tone. Sometime it is a weight exercise, sometime it is a light weight training and sometimes some fast exercise.

Want to be like Hugh Jackman? Do his awesome diet and exercise. The diet and the exercise is complementing each other, the protein is changed into muscle due to the exercise. If you only do the diet then where that protein would go??? Obviously you want to change that protein into great abs and muscle.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Celebrity Secret

Some celebrities use the shortcut way and not the natural way to lose weight. Great actress such as Paris hilton is rumored has bizzare diet consist only red bull and a glass of water. Other celebrities also has been found using drugs to help them lose weight disregard of the side effect. Read the news here: